Sunday, May 5, 2013

Settlers of Catan

I just have to gush for a minute about how much I love the game Settlers of Catan. If you haven't played it before, allow me to give a brief explanation:

Three or more players are competing to build settlements on an imaginary island called Catan. The board is made up of hexagonal tiles that have one of five resources on them-- brick, wood, ore, wool, or wheat. You gain points mainly by building settlements/cities, but you can also gain points from having the longest road, having the biggest army, etc. Each tile has a number on it. If someone roles the dice and they add up to the number on a tile where you have a settlement, you get to collect that resource. You can also trade your resources with the other players to get the ones you need.

The first time I played it, I was concerned that it was going to be too complex for me to enjoy it but it's remarkably easy to learn. Since you get to collect resources all the time (even when it's someone else rolling the dice) and because you are constantly trying to trade with the person whose turn it is, the game is more interactive than other turn based board games.

The game itself can be pretty expensive compared to other board games ($40 most places) but there are several downloadable versions of the game online. I do believe there's an app for smart phones as well! (In fact I know there is an app because I have it on my phone. haha)

I randomly came across this site which shows images of a giant homemade version of Settlers of Catan that someone made for their backyard and now I totally want to try to make one!

I also love this super-nerdy shirt I found online that says, "Don't settle for less." I will have to remember this months from now when Robbie asks me what I want for Christmas!

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