Sunday, March 31, 2013

Colds and Kitties

Don't you hate that feeling when a cold is first starting to rear its ugly virus head at you? 99% of my colds start as a sore throat, then move to a stuffy head, then move to a chest cough, and then I'm usually good after 4-5 days. But this cold is a little bit confused. It started two nights ago with just one side of my nose being stuffy for several hours (something about the asymmetry drives me nuts! Why can't my whole nose be stuffy or not at all!?). Then when I woke up yesterday morning, my nose was running like crazy. It was so not my typical cold-like symptoms that I was beginning to wonder if I had developed allergies for the first time in my life.

I found the secret combination of Ibuprofin, a 12 hour Sudafed, a Chlortab (for the runny nose), and a melatonin made me sleep like a husband last night (that's right, like a husband, not a baby). I even woke up a little early today feeling super refreshed and ready to clean things so I did some laundry, the dishes, and cleaned the kitty litter box. Look at me go! And Robbie's not even awake yet! I do have a slight scratchiness in my throat today but I still am not sure if it's a cold or allergies.

Speaking of cleaning the litter box, I haven't written about our precious kitty yet! Her name is Riesling but we call her Riesy. We adopted her from the humane society a little over 2 years ago. She was rescued from a hoarding situation where a lady had 30 cats and 10 dogs in a trailer (YIKES!). She absolutely loves human affection but hates other animals. If I was stuck in a trailer with that many animals for four years of my life I would probably hate them, too. 

Anyways, she is my little buddy during the day while Robbie's at school. When I'm not playing with her, she likes to sleep. Everywhere.

My lap while I was trying to work on the laptop


The fruit-basket-turned-mail-holder


A cardboard box



The couch


My lap while I'm at the kitchen table

1 comment:

  1. Aw! What a cute kitty. Joe's allergic so we can't have one :(

    Sorry to hear you have a cold/allergies. Not fun at all. I'll have to remember your secret recipe!
