Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Career for My Personality Type

I'm actually really glad I haven't written any posts for six months. They probably would've been filled with a lot of the same things over and over-- I took Robbie to school, I came home and cleaned, I went to the gym, I went grocery shopping... exciting, right? Looking back now, however, allows me to talk about the big picture of our experience as well as the highlight moments.

I know Robbie is the one in school (and he is definitely the one doing the hard work), but I have loved the role of coming alongside him in this dream. In high school, I remember taking those which-career-is-right-for-you assessments and feeling so confused about what to do with my life. One personality test in particular is called the Myers-Briggs Test (here's a link for the test if you are interested in taking it. Once you get your personality type, visit this website for a great explanation of what it means). It gives you four letters to describe your personality type: introversion vs. extroversion, sensory vs. intuition, feeling vs. thinking, and perceiving vs. judging. Here's a chart with a very simplified explanation of each letter.

I happen to be an ISFJ. The list of top recommended careers for that type include:
   Interior Decorators
   Administrative Assistants
   Social Work / Counselors
   Clergy / Religious Workers
   Childcare/ Early Childhood Development
   Home Economics

And I've gotten to do them all! In six months I've been a cheerleader, a motivational speaker, a study buddy, an errand-runner, a "master" chef, a listening ear, a house keeper, a tax preparer, a shoulder to cry on, a lover, a nurse, and a prayer fiend. I love my career as a wife!! In return, my wages are knowing that I am playing an irreplaceable role in my family's adventure, seeing the man I love toil and struggle and be transformed and rise victorious, hearing the words "I don't know what I'd do without you," and, most importantly, seeing God's perfect provision in my life.

Oh, and if you were wondering, Robbie is an INFJ and do you know what the three top careers are that are recommended for him? Clergy, teacher, medical doctor/dentist.  

"In all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, and not for men." -Colossians 3:23

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the positive words on my blog! I'm happy to find (or have been found by) a dental school wife. I've had trouble finding blogs about anyone in our situation and, for a control freak like me, it's tough to not have an idea about what to expect :) haha

    I'll definitely start following you since you are where I will be this time next year. Love this post!
