Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Can't Wait for Spring Break!

Just one and a half days of school left before spring break starts! Woo hoo!! This week and last week have been pretty insane for the students because several of their classes are ending so it's like an early finals week. Robbie has definitely earned some relaxing time off and we're both really looking forward to his class load going down for a little while (summer classes start in May I think).

Another reason I'm looking forward to spring break is that we're going back east for a couple days to visit some of my extended family, many of whom I haven't seen in about 10 years! I can hardly wait to introduce Robbie to all of them and show off my awesome husband a little bit. :)

Robbie and I have been lucky to be able to take several trips together since we got married-- two to California (read "Ariel going insane at Disneyland"), one to Arizona to visit Dental Schools, and one to Alamosa, Colorado to see the sand dunes and an alligator farm. I just love traveling with him because we both tend to be a little more laid-back about trip planning. We don't try to cram a ton of activities in and then wind up coming home exhausted. Instead we try to just have a general idea of what we might like to do and then adjust our plans once we get there to how we're feeling.

Since this semester has been a little nutty, I have a feeling that we are going to do a lot of relaxing and just enjoy my family's company. If we do decide to do something a little more touristy, I think it might be a visit to Thomas Jefferson's house (Robbie loves historical stuff).

Here's us at the alligator farm holding Capone.
Please note my awesome Little Mermaid shirt.

What about you guys? Do you plan trips down to the minute or are you go-with-the flow kind of travelers? 

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a planner - but I also like to be spontaneous. I'll typically research and find a bunch of things we might want to do, but then make the final decisions on more of a whim once we are on vacation. I just don't want to chance missing something good :)

    Also - I LOVE DISNEYLAND TOO! Downton? Disney? You have good taste :)

    We are going to Disneyland one last time before we leave California at the end of April - can't wait!

    Enjoy the East Coast!
