Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Hardest Part (For Me) of Applying to Dental School

Around the time that Robbie took the D.A.T., I made a huge decision to stop pursuing my degree in Spanish and to go to Dental Assisting school. We both knew that having a wife in the dental field would be an excellent discussion point for interviews (which it was but I'll write about that some other time). I had been miserable for most of my undergraduate education and I had no use for a Spanish degree (other than to just say, "I have a degree! Hooray for me!"). Dental Assisting school really appealed to me because it was much more hands on learning (versus abstract theory taught in most universities) and I am very much a "side-kick" type personality. I thrive in positions where I am not the one in charge but I am there to make things more efficient.

We spent a lot of time agonizing over this decision because we thought my dad would be really upset if I didn't complete an undergraduate degree. Let me be more honest here... I was completely terrified because I knew my dad would be absolutely livid. He has very strong opinions about how things are supposed to be done (ie. everyone MUST go to college and get a degree that will make money, etc) and I am not the personality type that likes to rock the boat. We spent several weeks praying about it before approaching my dad to tell him our plan.

The most difficult thought I kept wrestling with was that I knew God wanted me to honor my dad but that He also was leading me to pursue Dental Assisting. I knew that only God could make a way for both to happen. During those weeks of prayer, God continuously brought one verse to my mind that was an incredible comfort.

"I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by name." -Isaiah 45:2-3

Let me say here that, in my eyes, approaching my dad about this subject did not just seem like it would be a "rough place" or a "door of bronze." It felt like the freaking Red Sea needed to be parted because Pharaoh and his army were baring down on my position and were about to cut me to pieces. Robbie and I finally went to my parents' house for dinner (I had knots in my stomach the whole time). Once dinner was over we decided it was time to drop the bomb... I braced myself for the explosion... and it never came! While my dad was still hesitant about me stopping my undergraduate degree, he could at least see the logic in me pursuing Dental Assisting to help Robbie become a Dentist.

The conversation ended with him asking us, "So what do you need from me?" (I think he was expecting us to ask him for money to help pay for the Dental Assisting tuition) to which Robbie responded, "Nothing, we just wanted to let you know what was going on and where we were headed." How I love my husband! That single statement was the shining moment of the evening. Not only did my dad understand our decision, but he now felt honored in the way he had been treated.

God had gone ahead of us and made a way where it didn't seem possible. On top of that, God really did bring "hidden wealth" from the situation. The whole conversation became a defining point in my life. It solidified (in my mind and my dad's mind) Robbie's authority as my husband and brought incredible healing to my relationship with my dad. 

Thank you LORD that you call me by name and that you made a way through the hardest part (for me) of applying to Dental School.

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