Last weekend, Robbie was busy studying so I took the opportunity to head up to Fort Collins to celebrate my mom's birthday with my family. All three of my sisters were able to come to dinner and it was the first time I had all three of my niblings in one place.
Niblings: (plural noun) nieces and nephews; the children of your siblings
In the past year, all three of my older sisters gave birth to their first child. In addition to our two awesome nephews from Robbie's sister, I now have one niece (Olive) and two more nephews (Luke and Henry).
Left to right: Deborah holding Henry, Altair holding Luke, and Ariane holding Olive |
It's been incredible seeing each of my sisters transition into motherhood, but it has shown me just how
not ready to be a mommy I am. Maybe it's that 2nd year has been especially difficult but the idea of going through all the hormonal changes and needing to care for a little life who is completely dependent on me just doesn't feel as urgent as it used to. Anyone who has known me for more than a few years would probably be shocked to hear me say that; I have been talking about being a stay at home mom since I was in 9th grade! It's possible that Jesus is just teaching me how to be more content wherever He has me and perhaps, in a few years, he'll renew that desire in me to be a mom. For now, though, I'm content being the well-rested Auntie who sings Disney songs to the niblings.
I just found your blog while searching for blogs written by dental student wives, and like you, i was surprised at how few there are. But its fun to find other people who are going through the same things I am. I am loving dental school, simply because it is so exciting to watch my husband learning something that he enjoys. That makes all the other chaos that comes with dental school worth it.
ReplyDeleteAlthough we have a lot in common , being the wives of dental students, we have some differences. :)
I am also the mom of 4 kids. And I love it! My oldest is 7, and my youngest is 9 months. And no, I'm not 35. Lol I'm not telling you this to try to convince you to start having kids immediately. I just want you to know that its possible to add kids to the dental school picture and still manage everything. I know as well as anyone how difficult it can be to balance things when your husband is a full time student, but you seem to be doing a great job. Keep it up! Enjoy your time at dental school, and when you and your husband decide it's time to have a baby, whether you are still in school or graduated, just know that everything will work out. There is no perfect time to have a baby, but somehow when you have that little one the timing becomes perfect. You will be a great mom when that day comes. Your kids will be very lucky to have you as their mommy. :)