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creepy looking baby tooth |
Maybe it's that I have been feeding an adorable pregnant squirrel on our patio, or maybe it's that I got to feel my sister's baby kick inside her belly for the first time a few days ago, or maybe it's the oncoming spring weather (which today is more of a blizzard actually), or maybe it's that one of my Dental School wife friends has been talking about trying to get pregnant this summer... but whatever the reason I have had babies on my brain lately!
Robbie and I are really looking forward to becoming parents someday (and no, we are not pregnant right now if you were wondering haha). Heck, we've been discussing baby names since before we were married! We knew from the start of Dental School that we would want to start a family before he was done with all four years and we've received a lot of positive confirmation that it is totally possible. Not only do many of his classmates already have at least one kid, but all of the upper classmen Robbie has talked to say that once you get through first semester of second year, Dental School starts to really become more manageable. We have been told that third and fourth year especially are more like a regular 8-5 job because you are in the clinic most of the day instead of studying for a million tests.
I love making lists, so here are some of my thoughts and concerns about motherhood.
1) Children are a blessing. Yes, it costs money to have a baby and you have to think about the costs of healthcare, food, time, etc. but for what children cost financially, parents receive infinitely more back in love, joy, and lessons from God.
"Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them..." -Psalm 127:3-5a2) Like marriage, having kids brings our own sinful tendencies to the surface and forces us to deal with them before God. We come under the ever-watchful eyes of children who are not afraid to point out when we mess up. We are forced to live out what we teach to our kids or face the blaringly honest accusations of hypocrisy. You want to teach your kids to be kind to others? You better be ready to show unconditional kindness to others. You want to teach your kids to have servant hearts instead of selfish hearts? You better be the leading example of servitude. You want to teach your kids to be grateful? You better learn to focus on thanking God for what you have instead of complaining. The prospect of having my own selfishness exposed is both amazing and terrifying!
3) Babies don't cost as much as our society claims. I am cheap to a fault at times but I see a lot of extravagant waste in our culture, especially in the areas of weddings and having kids. Half of the things I see on baby registries are completely unnecessary. Yes it's fun to have a themed nursery with all sorts of cute matchy-matchy baby stuff, but that's really for the parents to enjoy, isn't it? The baby doesn't care if he's sleeping on Winnie the Pooh sheets or plain white sheets. The baby won't remember if his crib skirt matched the wall decals and the pillow on the rocking chair and the rug. He won't care if he's changed on a fancy changing table or on a towel on the bed. His needs are food, a clean diaper, shelter, medical care, and affection (the most expensive obviously being medical care). Diapers can get expensive too, but there's always the cloth diaper option. All I'm saying is that when people say that babies are expensive, they are including the cost of convenience and luxury, not just necessity.
4) I'm overwhelmed by all the health information surrounding having a baby. Really this is my biggest concern right now. I feel like the big stuff about being a parent would all work itself out but when it comes to all the little decisions I have to make about pregnancy and birth, I just feel absolutely overwhelmed. What kind of vitamins should I take? What foods are safe/unsafe? How often should I exercise and how vigorously? How will my hormones affect my mood? How will being pregnant affect my sex life? What will my insurance cover? What are the pros and cons of having a home birth vs. a hospital birth vs. a birthing center birth? Should I use a Midwife or an OB/GYN? It's enough to make your head swim. Really, I don't think there's any one right way to have a baby; however, in this case ignorance is not bliss because it could greatly affect my health and the health of my baby.
Thank goodness I will not be the first woman in the world to have a baby (poor Eve! Can you imagine?! What do you think Adam was thinking as his wife's belly got bigger and bigger?). I'm also relieved that I have so many mom friends that I can ask for guidance and advice. The greatest comfort though is that God promises to give wisdom and understanding to anyone who asks for it and that He knows more about the human body than all of our human doctors combined.
Here's the pregnant squirrel I have been feeding on our patio. She is quite plump compared to the other squirrels!
This is the same pregnant squirrel. Notice how the first photo is sunny and the grass is
green? This photo with the snow is the very next day. Ah Colorado... I
love your bi-polar ways.
Here's me with my mom and sister getting pedicures for my mom's birthday. Look at my sister's adorable pregnant belly!!!
Great post! We are hoping to do the same... and it's nice to hear that other people can make it work :)